We are a non-profit organization dedicated to raising awareness about the inequitable dismissal of Black resident physicians and leveraging research into policy change. Our mission is to expand the Black physician workforce to improve health outcomes in the Black community.
Our Sponsors
Only 5% of resident physicians in the US are Black but make up 20% of dismissals from training programs
Dismissals are often for reasons ignored for their non-Black peers
There is no entity responsible for protecting individual residents
- Compared to all other races in the US, Black people have worse health outcomes overall.
- Black infant mortality is cut by half when they have Black doctors
- The Black-White male gap in cardiovascular mortality drops by 19% when Black men see a Black doctor
- Black doctors make up only 4% of US workforce but Black people make up 13% of the US population
We Must Raise Awareness About the Unjust Dismissals of Black Doctors and Trainees